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A useful collection of fast and lightweight data structures and their algorithms. All implementations are done with zero dependencies

Works on all node versions >= v0.10.

Quick Start

npm install vellichor


Full API Docs here


DoubleEndedQueue vs Deque

Platform info:

Darwin 16.7.0 x64
Node.JS 13.0.1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz × 4

2 million items in queue

(3 x shift + 3 x push ops per 'op')

denque x 34,584,460 ops/sec ±1.18% (83 runs sampled)
vellichor-double-ended-queue x 34,662,988 ops/sec ±0.90% (87 runs sampled)


(1 x splice per 'op') - initial size of 100,000 items

denque.splice x 410,073 ops/sec ±37.09% (59 runs sampled)
vellichor-doubleEndedQueue.splice x 426,407 ops/sec ±24.12% (64 runs sampled)
native array splice x 8,070 ops/sec ±18.39% (46 runs sampled)

Remove One

(1 x removeOne + 10 x push per 'op') - initial size of 100,000 items

denque.removeOne x 533,924 ops/sec ±1.18% (82 runs sampled)
vellichor-doubleEndedQueue.removeOne x 535,881 ops/sec ±1.16% (87 runs sampled)
native array splice x 2,362 ops/sec ±1.77% (87 runs sampled)